Name: Derek Lee
A/S/L: 30/M/Georgia, USA
Goal: To make some fun stuff and share it with others. :)
Education: High school degree, no college. Extra-curricular learning was self-directed, just for fun.
Hobbies: Video games, electronics, learning, sustainable living.
Dream: To live with nature, to live in a house built with my own hands, and to be a game dev.


There are a number of 16x16 and 32x32 icons on this site. Eventually I'll separate the ones I drew personally/edited and note those in their own section but otherwise creditable icons are from:
Fugue Icon Set by Yusuke Kamiyamane(These icons are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.)
VirtualLNK Icon set by Levi Page(will upload license.txt later)
FatCow Icon Set by FatCow hosting.(These icons are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.)
Famfamfam Icon Set by Mark James.(These icons are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.)

Special Thanks:

for having her neocities page in her twitter bio, which is how I found this enthusiast community in the first place.

for being very helpful in diagnosing and figuring out a bunch of weird or specific HTML quirks.

for hosting and supporting highly customizable websites like this one; and thanks to the various unoffical discord servers the community operates - instrumental in helping me get my site going, both through advice and inspiratio, too many wonderful and helpful people to name everyone.

The Internet Archive
which has done an immensely important job of digitizing and saving content and creations from across history to preserve for future generations.